
Around 30 days after child birth , the family member together with new born baby will visit the shrine to pray for the child’s health and growth. This is the first official going out of the baby. On this day the child puts on Ubugi which is a special kimono for the birth ceremony.
Given that the Ubugi is shoulder -tucked and waist-tucked, it can be worn until the child reach 3 or 5 years old on Shichigosan. Ubugi is 29,800 yen for sale and 5,000 yen for rental.

This is an important event which is held to pray for the growth and health of the child at the age of 3-5-7.In the old days it was held only on November 15th, however, on these days we hold this event from October till year end, on the day when the weather is good and the child is in good condition.
3-years-old Girl; sale 9,800 yen~ rental 5,000 yen
Boy; sale 19,800 yen~ rental 7,000 yen
5-years-old Boy; sale 29,800 yen~ rental 10,000 yen
7-years-old Girl; sale 49,800 yen~ rental 10,000 yen
All of the sets include dressing fee, size-fixing fee.

This celebration is held on the year when the child enter secondary school, which marks their turning point from children to teenagers.
In the old days, it was held on April 13th , however, these days it is held throughout spring season.
This is quite a famous event because there are places where people await it rather than Shichigosan or even celebrate it with other celebrations such as school Entry or Graduation.
Rental for Girl 19,800yen, Boy 15,000yen (Dressing fee is included)

  • お宮参り、七五三、十三参り



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